Animal Reiki- The Animal-Human Bond
Often when we bring an animal home, be it a dog, cat, rabbit, hamster, fishes or a bird, we carry a mindset that it is we who got the pet home. Sometimes we bring them in, either to help them provide shelter or to help ourselves have company of a lovable friend. All the time we humans think, we chose this animal to be with us. Whereas the truth is, quite the opposite than we can ever imagine.Instead, it is not us but the animal or the pet that chose us. There is always a purpose in the choices we make in life.
There’s an unknown connection, that we as humans have with that animal species, that we are often unaware of. It’s something similar to when a new family member, friends enters our lives and we start sharing our time and space with them. Similarly animals enter our lives, stay with us, share the bonding and finally depart, when it’s their time to go. Their time with us may last for a few minutes, a few days or few years. They carry within them the same life force and a spirit, like we have within us.
Heart Center – Linking energy with matter
Animals are far more spiritual and energy sensitive than us humans. They too have physical, emotional, psychological and social needs. The difference lies only in our failure to understand them and their difficulty to express themselves in our way.
Compassion plays a big role in creating and preserving animal-human bond and this special connection. Compassion is what helps in bridging the gap, of understanding each other. Love and respect for each other’s existence, results in dissolving all barriers of discrimination. Love and compassion is a universal language that all comfortably respond to, regardless of which species they are born in.
It is this powerful yet invisible energy at the heart center, upon which lies the foundation of Animal Reiki. The aim of Animal Reiki is to create a smooth and even distribution of healing energy within the animal, thereby dissolving any blockages and energy imbalances. The energy blockages often get manifested in the form of physical, emotional or psychological problems. Animal Reiki is a technique that creates a circuit between the universal Energy, which is Reiki and Matter which is the animal, Via a common link or channel which is the practitioner. Through the heart center Reiki is shared with the animal. Energy exchange becomes a common feature of Animal Reiki.
We never chose the animal- The animal chooses us.
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Animal Reiki- Sharing The Spiritual Energy
Generally, Reiki healing involves channeling of the reiki light or healing energy by a practitioner from the Source into the receiver, seeking healing. In the case of animals, it functions in the same pattern with a difference in the technique used to deliver healing. Unlike Reiki for humans, animal reiki is primarily a ‘no touch’ therapy. Ninety-nine percent of the times, touch is not involved. Touch is never initiated by the practitioner, it may occur, naturally during a session if the animal chooses to be touched.
Animals can also be called as natural healers, but that does not mean they don’t require healing. They can always benefit from outside help and aid when undergoing difficult situations. Energy healing like Reiki, can do wonders for the health and well being of animals. The animal in this context applies to pet animals, farm animals or animals at the zoo and shelter homes. Even the ones on the streets of India.
Animal Reiki is safe and effective
There is no right or wrong in animal Reiki. Although, it’s not a diagnostic tool or a mode of medical treatment for your animal friends But Animal Reiki can anytime be used as a complementary or alternative healing therapy. Reiki works wonders in improving psychological, social and sometimes also physical condition of the animals. That too, without the use of drugs and without any form of mental or physical torture to the animal.
Note, that animal Reiki is safe and effective. The two most important aspects in Animal Reiki is first- the intention of the practitioner. Having compassion for the animal is a major requisite for the healing to occur. And second- is the willingness of the animal to accept the healing. The choice and freedom to accept or refuse the healing always lie with the animal. The healing can never be forced upon them.
Animal Reiki Benefits
Animal Reiki helps in calming stress animals, especially during adoption phases, which are difficult times of changes both for the animal/pet, as well as the guardian. Reiki helps in relieving emotional issues like anxiety, depression, and fear. Reiki also helps in comforting the animals as well their guardian or owners, during their transition phase from this world to the next.
Animal Reiki is effective in providing relief from physical pain, from surgeries and post-surgery traumas and injuries. Reiki is complementary and alternative therapy. It is not the primary or sole mode of treatment. Medical diagnosis and veterinary care must not be ruled out. Animal Reiki is an alternative medicine mode, it is not a replacement for medical or veterinary care.
Animal Reiki: Meditating with your Pets
All energy healing methods carry the component of meditation within them. So even if you are not a Reiki practitioner but are into regular meditation practice, you can do some good to them and yourself. The most important thing that counts is your intention or willingness to provide comfort to your pet. While the remaining, depends on the willingness of your pet. Some pets are open to receiving your healing vibes, while others may resent. It is also crucial, how well you and your pet understand each other. Before you start meditating with your pet its important, that you balance your own energies.
Balance your energy by practicing slow, deep breathing. Once you are fully relaxed you can focus your attention towards your pet and start meditating upon them by either visualizing that you are providing them comfort and protection by covering them in a ball of white light or by imagining sending light green light from your heart to theirs. You don’t have to necessarily touch them. You may sit at a distance from them or whichever way feels suitable for both of you.
The success of every kind act- be it healing or praying depends on the intention of the doer. When you intend to do something from your heart center, from a place of love, then the outcomes tend to be miraculous. Healing Starts to take place in the most beautiful, myriad and unimagined ways.
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