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What is Light Language and How Light Language Healing Works?

What is Light Language?

Light language is Universal energy channeled directly from the Source through a human vessel. Its embedded with codes that is often hard for the human mind to comprehend. On the contrary, the light codes easily resonate with the Soul, when received from a heart-centered space. Thus, Light language is also known as the Language of The Soul. In short, it’s  recognised by the soul even when the mind can’t understand it. The soul feels a sense of familiarity or attraction towards the sounds, codes, glyphs,  symbols or movements, different modes through which language of light transmits.

Light Language

It’s a mode of communication originating from the 5th-dimensional realm and beyond. Light language may transmit itself in many forms. The language may flow uniquely through the Medium (the person channeling the light language). It may exhibit in the form of words, song, musical notes, hand gestures or body movements. Light language may also transmit itself through symbols or scripts unique to its origin. Many light language codes and symbols originate from different star seeds, alien races, ancient civilizations or Galactic Light Council. They may carry their particular energy signature or a pattern that is unique to them. 

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Light Language Healing

The high frequency light language travels directly from the Source into the third-dimensional earth space.  The light language also serves as a healing modality. It travels through the heart space of the person channeling it. At the same time touching the heart space of the person receiving it. Light language can be best utilized by those who receive it through the same heart space that the medium uses to channel it. 

Every light language transmission carries a high-frequency energy that is capable of changing the energy component of the person or the environment that it comes in contact with. It has the potential to transmute the genetic code within the human DNA. Light language activation can alter the energy dynamics of the person. A powerful transmission like a DNA upgrade often leads to a shift in the overall personality and well-being of the person. In due course of time, changes are experienced at emotional, physical and spiritual or soul level.

The changes in energy and the degree of shift experienced may vary from person to person. Light language not only influences the humans but also the physical environment that surrounds them. It has a profound effect on every atomic particle present within the environment that surrounds an individual. For example, light language sounds have the potential to cleanse any negative vibes or low vibrational elements present in the environment. Those may include unpleasant human emotions, thought patterns or negative entities. It not only cleanses the aura of the place but also elevates its vibrations. The energy projected by the light language codes upscales the low-frequency vibes. The low vibration transforms into a higher and powerful frequency that which is of purity, beauty, and peace. 

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